Tips For Greater Success

Two Hands – One For Helping Others
By Dan Nielsen
December 20, 2012

Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

This week I am reminded of and moved by this truth in action. In the midst of tragedy, thousands of ordinary people across the nation have reached out in simple acts of kindness to help friends, family, and complete strangers. In addition to the outpouring of support for the families and friends affected so painfully by the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy, thousands of strangers are passing on acts of kindness in honor of the 26 victims of last week’s school shooting.

Earlier this week, news journalist Ann Curry sparked a campaign of kindness that has quickly swept the nation. Curry encouraged her Twitter followers to join her in committing to 20 acts of kindness in honor of each child lost in the Newtown shooting. The enthusiastic response has since grown to “26 acts of kindness” to honor the six adults who also lost their lives in the heartbreaking tragedy.

A man from Los Angeles, CA paid for cups of coffee for grieving Newtown residents.

Funeral directors from across Connecticut are volunteering their time to help with the victims' funeral services.

A New Jersey organization is providing cupcakes for three local kindergarten classes in honor of the young Connecticut victims.

A North Carolina woman is hosting two girls from the local children's home for Christmas.

A mother in Indiana relates the story of her sons showing acts of kindness to classmates at their school.

A young New York man went to Toys-R-Us and paid for a stranger's layaway items.

A California woman paid the school fees for 26 Kenyan children with AIDS.

A young lady in Ohio sent a Christmas card to a wounded soldier.

A woman from Louisiana gave $40 to a homeless man who was standing barefoot on the corner.

A Pennsylvania man paid for an elderly woman's groceries at the supermarket.

And the list goes on and on.

These people, from all across the nation, are living out the important truth that we are given two hands – one hand to help ourselves, and the other hand to help others. These strangers from every state are helping to spread beauty in the midst of tragedy.

How are you using your “other hand” this Christmas season? Are you helping to spread beauty in the midst of tragedy?

To learn more about this remarkable campaign for kindness in honor of the Newtown, Connecticut victims, please click here.

Copyright © 2012 by Dan Nielsen

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About The Author

Dan Nielsen spent most of his career as a hospital CEO and senior healthcare executive (see full bio here), but he is now a leader, speaker, and author with a wide range of interests. He is passionate about helping people achieve greater success, develop leadership excellence and live inspired and fulfilling lives. Dan is the author of the book Presidential Leadership: Learning from United States Presidential Libraries & Museums, available October 2013. To learn more about Dan and his speaking and writing, please visit his personal website,