How do I become a member of a Learning Network?
You have several options. You can fill out and submit the registration form on the website, you can call the NIHCL office at 817-563-0295 or you can e-mail directly from this link indicating your interest in becoming a member of a NLN including your phone number and an NIHCL staff member will call you immediately.
How can I help start a new Learning Network?
Two ways…you may send an e-mail including your name and phone number and the type of group you are interested in starting, and an NIHCL staff member will contact you immediately or you may call 817-563-0295 to talk directly with a NIHCL staff person.
How many people are in each Learning Network?
The typical Learning Network will have between 30 and 40 highly experienced, seasoned healthcare executives.
Can I send a substitute if I’m unable to attend a meeting?
Absolutely. We want each member organization to receive the most value possible from being a part of our National Learning Networks.
How long are the meetings?
Each NLN meeting is 2 days in length, adjourning by noon on the second day.
Will you share my contact information with other organizations not participating in the Learning Network?
Absolutely not. NLN members will be the only people who we share contact information with. Each member will have a complete list of all NLN members and their contact information to assist in relationship building and networking between meetings.
How are the agendas determined?
Members suggest topics to be discussed and then each member votes on the topics of most interest to them. The 4 to 5 topics receiving the highest votes will be on the next agenda.
What is included in a National Learning Network?
As a member of a NIHCL National Learning Network you will have the opportunity to participate in 2 live meetings per year; unlimited requests for information and web and phone conferencing between meetings. Additional options may also be available upon requests by NLN members